Thursday, June 26, 2008

I've been busy...

I know, I know, I'm a bad blogger! But hey how can you resist this?!?!?!


E-Money said...

wow, you are definitely hardcore -good call on the helmet though!

Anonymous said...

what a great present to yourself!!!! :)

ive been really bad lately too. seems like life just doesnt have enough time to blog all the time. haha. which i suppose is a very good thing.

hope all is well!! awesome pics!

Rahul said...

I bought that same bike over the weekend. Except mine has a pink basket and stremers and a bell.

ring ring.

and training wheels.

I've said too much

villageidiot said...

Tear it up, girl! Just be careful, so you don't end up on one of those 'ownage' vids on YouTube. they look painful...

Bogart said...

Looks like a good reason to take a break...

HOpe things are good.

Clyde said...

Nice toy
Enjoy playing with it.
See you when you get a minute for us

Harley said...

WOMAN! Where ARE you???

Come back I miss you!

ElPato said...

I wouldn't be blogging either with that thing! Actually, I haven't been blogging lately and I only have a car, tear. Holla!

Anonymous said...

dude! come back sooooooon pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!

Bogart said...

I am guessing that the riding has removed the computer from your life. Probably a very good trade-off! Hope you are well!

P said...

Oh, think that would scare me!

Simply Taylor said...

So when do I get to ride it! :(

villageidiot said...

I hope you're not dead, thrown from the bike and lying in a ditch out in the boonies...

Dahlia said...

are you still blogging?