Friday, June 13, 2008

Today is...

Friday the 13th

My Birthday

My Quarter Life Crisis

The day I come home from Dallas

The day I get any and all the Pizza I want!!

The first time in over a week I get to make out with a boy!

The day most of my friends are leaving for San Antonio without me. :-(

NOW LETS MAKE THE BEST OF IT! I'll try to keep you posted on this weekend's festivities. Something tells me many of alcoholic beverages will be consumed and the bathroom floor might become my new best friend! Wish me luck!


Narm said...

Best of luck - I hope you make a lot of bad decisions!

Anonymous said...

You're the 3rd blogger I know with today as a birthday!!


mr zig said...

Hey - thought today on your birthday was a good day for me to expose myself - whoa, not that way - I've been stopping by for a while, but haven't felt a right time to comment... but today was the day to say Hi... so HI!! and Happy Birthday!!!!!

villageidiot said...

Happy Birthday! Have fun and be good. If you can't be good, be safe; if you can't be safe, name him after me.

Blackdog is a great name for a kid...

Rahul said...

Happy Birthday!

Buy me a present!

Oh, wait...

ElPato said...

Happy birthday! Ya know, this is the only blog I check out anymore. Its because you're so cute! Ciao

Jamie Lovely said...

happy birthday!

E-Money said...

Happy b-day!

Matt said...

Happy birthday.

Even though I am a couple days late saying so.

Bogart said...

Pizza and Kissing rocks.

Anonymous said...

June 13th is my birthday too! AND I turned 25 this past June too! I, however, didn't buy myself such a fabulous gift!