Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What day is it?? **warning another vent

My week has been so crazy and busy! So much going on I don't even know where to start.

First- My poor poor Maddie had an accident. After she was playing in her little kiddy pool she took a v-line straight for the back porch which is made of concrete ....the outcome is easy to figure out. From what my sis says she was a super trooper crying for about 5 minutes and getting 7 stitches!!

Then I found out today I will be spending the next two weeks working in Dallas... which wouldn't be so bad if my 25th B-day wasn't next friday, yes Friday the 13th!! All my friends are going to San Antonio and I had to cancel. So Lame!

Plus since I had to cancel so late I told T I would cover my portion of the Hotel which was supposed to be split 4 ways. WELL....My other friend decided to cancel today and I guess wasn't planning on paying still. AND...T informed me that her bf, whom she invited to stay in the room with us, was not paying either. She felt she couldn't ask him to pay since she invited him! WELL excuse me but it is my b-day and I'm not staying for FREE so why the hell would I cover your bf's portion of the bill?? ON MY DAY!?!?! ARE YOU FREAKING NUTS! So the bill went from $50 to $150 and I was NOT happy! Well after voicing my opinion T told me not to worry about it, she will just make it into a nice vaca for her and her boy.

Sadly thats not even the end of it. I totally forgot I told my mom I would stay out at the farm to feed the animals the 17th-20th b/c her and my dad are taking a vaca...well I can't very well do that if my boss sends me to Dallas now can I?? So my mom was not happy.

So for now...the week before, week after and week of my birthday are looking a little SH*TTY!

So here I am stressed to the Nth degree!! and sad. I've never really done anything big for my birthday b/c so many people have b-days around mine....and here the one I was supposed to have fun and go out of town for is now ruined! And all anyone around me can do is bitch! WHAT THE HELL ABOUT ME!!!

Will it ever be about just ME?!?!?!?



So@24 said...

Just go back and watch that video of little Maddy. That'll calm your jangled nerves.

Narm said...

I have a buddy getting married on my b-day weekend. I keep trying to convince his fiancee that that day should be all about me but she doesn't seem to get it.

villageidiot said...

Awww Allie, (((((hugs))))

If I wasn't married, you know I'd fly out there and we'd go out for a few stiff ones. And it would be all about YOU, dearheart....

Rahul said...

7 stitches? Thats seven too many for me. I would have rather have bled profusely.

I'll take that chance.

I have Toby Keith stuck in my head now.

Let's pretend I didn't say that

Anonymous said...

A birthday on Friday the 13th???

You are in trouble.

Anonymous said...

omg. when i was 5 i had the almost exact injury maddy has!! i got 7 stitches right under my chin, just like hers. the good news is that it heals pretty quickly and doesnt scar. :) sorry about your bday!!

Bogart said...

I think 13 is a lucky number...

Heck, better than getting stitches on my chin.

Hope this weekend was better!

Matt said...

Just scream as loud as you can.

Then drink alcohol!

ElPato said...

Happy early birthday if I'm not around friday... haven't had a lot of time behind a desk lately... but I have had a lot of time behind the new bar so that's good.

My son got stung by a wasp. Ouch! I think it hurt me worse then it did him.