Monday, May 5, 2008

as I cry....

I grew up riding, raising, and breeding horses. They were my life as a kid. I did all my chores just to please my mom so she would continue my riding lessons. Our horses are our family and as much as I wish I couldn't remember the first time we put one down I do....vividly.
This weekend was tragic and yes, I cried. Eight Belles, a beautiful 3 year old filly was put down immediately after winning 2nd place in the Kentucky Derby against 19 colts! This was a day for celebration not just because Eight Belles won 2nd place but because she was the first filly in the Derby since 1999. Sadly this was all overtaken after she was ridden a quarter lap past the finish and collapsed with two broken front ankles. Because she broke both front ankles she didn't have a front leg to stand on and be splinted, therefor it was almost impossible for her to recover properly so the quick decision was made to put the young filly down.

*and the tears fall...

RIP Eight Belles


B said...

stuff like this disheartens me a great deal

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i also grew up riding. i was talking to some of my coworkers this morning about the situation and they didn't understand that with both ankles being broken the poor filly really didn't have a fighting chance.

this is so sad, but there really wasn't another option. hey at least she went out on top and fighting right?

Rahul said...

There were people crying at the party I went to also. What a bummer.

Allie-gator said...

rs27- I'm not a big crier especially in front of others but if I was in public when I heard I'm sure I still would have broken down.

Allie-gator said...

Deutlich- yes it’s so sad

Alexa- I totally agree. People don't understand that if a horse is down for a long period of time their intestines are likely to get tangled or the horse could many bad scenarios you don't want your animal to go through

cat said...

That's very sad to hear. She was a beautiful horse.

Harley said...

I saw that on youtube. So sad. I teared up a little, I have oadmit. What are the chances? What went wrong??

Matt said...

That was really sad...that they had to euthanize him and all...

Dahlia said...

oh no...I love horses as well...hugs to you, and Eight Belles

Clyde said...

I love racing, both gallops and harness racing and have been involved in both and fatal track injuries break my heart.
No wonder I've never made any money out of them---I always get them gentled down and find good homes for them---and that costs me plenty and I give them away but tell their new owners that they are still mine and to come back to me if they cand give them the best. I check on them and make sure that they are healthy and happy----even had one suspended in a sling for three months after he broke a leg----11 years later and he is still alive.
Pity I dont have the balance to ride properly---but I love to drive the harness horses.
I will always shead a tear for the gallant animals who give their all

Bogart said...

That was very sad. She was a beautiful animal.