Friday, May 30, 2008

damned if I do, damned if I don't

so Curt sent me a text at work yesterday.

Curt:Hey Allie, just thinking about you, I hope you are doing well.

I wasn't going to reply since it had been a least a week since our last brief conversation but my mom told me to be nice just in case he really did have feelings for me. Keep in mind its been a few weeks now since we had our talk about me not being in the same place as him and not wanting to move forward. She told me to remember what it was like when I liked someone that wasn't all into me. So with that quilt I text him back but not til later on in the night.

Me: I'm really not a bad person. I'm just not in it anymore. I'm not as ready as I thought I was. Scared or not I have a lot of problems I need to work through. Sorry it took me so long to reply just needed the time 2 think.

Curt: I don't understand
I agree you are not a bad person, but honestly, just immature, the life experience is not there. Yeah I acted like a dork, was goofy at times but I was just having fun which is what it is all about. Allie, I also know what I want when I see it and am not scared to go after it because it does not come around very often. Life is too short to sweat the small shit and spend all your time trying to figure yourself out. There is a lot more I could say but I guess it doesn't matter now. All I know is that I have feelings for you and that is all that matters. Take care.

YES that was ALL in one text!! I was like WHAA?!?!?! Damned if I do, Damned if I don't! What the hell!

Needless to say I did NOT reply. First off no one has ever called me immature! Ever! All I've ever heard my whole life was "you are mature beyond your years" so where does he get that I'm immature? -Because I can't force myself to continue something I don't want to????? And what in the world does he mean life is too short to figure yourself out??? I'm sorry but I think its a mature decision to not bring someone into my life if I haven't quite figured out what I WANT! This might actually be the reason most marriages end, b/c they didn't really know what they wanted.

BOYS! Don't patronize a girl for telling the truth. Seriously I could have been the typical biotch and not answered any of his calls or text and just ignored him.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like he has a case of Bitchassness. Gross.

Matt said...

Almost 100% positive that he called you immature because he wanted to get under your skin.

Rahul said...

Duh he called you immature because he wants you and you don't want him.

Guys are so dumb. Wait, I mean, We're awesome!

Bogart said...

He is just a bit hurt...

It is like when boys pull girls hair...

villageidiot said...

Yep, he was being kinda bitchy there - very mature of you not to reply (zing!) If I knew photoshop at all, I'd put the pic of Curt's face on your horse's ass....

Allie-gator said...

deutlich - I love that word!!

matt-oh well, sadly I'm already over it

rs27 - so dumb...yet so awesome

bogart- so do I kick him in the shin like I did to the boys in grade school?

blackdog- Oh man I wish you could!! If only...

Clyde said...

Geez, really smart telling a lady that she is immature.
I think you need to tell him that the word immature doesn't meen that you wont so everything that he wants to do or agree with everything that he says

Anonymous said...

i cannot believe he called you immature. pot meet kettle. but seriously, cheers to you for sticking to your convictions and doing what you need to do.