Friday, May 9, 2008


Entertainment for the weekend!!

Check out my new list of comical 20 somethings, just like me (I wish I was as funny!) --->>

They provide the best relief from work and more LOLs than a 13 yr old texting her BFF!
Check'em out!

My A-listers:

Your Beard is Good - funniest Indian I know!
The Typing Makes Me Sound Busy - props to the only chica that made the list!! I've never LOL so many times over one post!
Surviving Myself - Straight from NY! Funny because it's all so true!
Starting Over at 24 - Tales of a newly single 20 something coping to the wild world of dating!
Life In The Nook - a Country boy that reminds me everyday why I left for the big city! **no offense! You are Classic in my book!


So@24 said...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Thanks! You are too nice.

J-Money said...

I'll kick it Eeyore-style and say thanks for noticing me...

tommy said...

hahaha 13 year olds and their texting. they just cant stop

Narm said...

Thanks for the kind words. Glad to see there is someone else out there that think these city people are crazy. Can you smuggle me down to Texas and away from these crazies?

Jamie Lovely said...

Totally have to agree with so@24 and Surviving Myself!

Bogart said...

You know, I feel discriminated against because I am north of 30.

Just because I am getting further and further from my "20's" does not mean I am any less cool.

Anonymous said...

hey - i want to hear and or see all the pharrell stuff!! :)

Allie-gator said...

So@24 - you knew it was coming

Surviving - You are very welcome!

J-Money - How could I not! You are awesome!

Tommy- no its quite annoying!

Narm- Sure but to be honest we still have them too just not as many!

Jamie - Yeah they are too cool for school!

Bogart- I just started reading your blog so...give me time. I might change my mind!

ex-tex - I've been emailing a lady at the radio but they haven't posted them yet. Which in turn means she is a liar! I'm hoping to have them this week! I promise I will post as soon as I get them!

Bogart said...

Please don't misunderstand...I don't expect to be an A-Lister just yet...I just am sad that I was excluded because I am 31...okay, 32 on Wednesday.

Plus, I was much more enjoyable to read in '07.

Dahlia said...

I am so sad...I didn't make the cute :(

don't ever say that you are living through me again...hmmmpf :P