Monday, March 17, 2008


Soo....this weekend was very overwhelming for me but totally worth it!

I cut 10'-12' off my head Friday to donate to Locks of Love!

Then last night my best friend, who does hair, decided she wanted to play and she dyed my hair very dark brown...almost black and put some chucky blonde highlights in my head band area.

Pic doesn't have the new color though...


jessica maria said...

It's a little blurry, but from what I can tell, it looks AWESOME! :)

Matt said...

Looks very nice :)

Anonymous said...

short hair is hot.

Jamie said...

cutey patooty!

Harley said...

I love it! Suits you!

Allie-gator said...

Thanks guys and gals!

Anonymous said...

Looks cute, I cut my hair for locks of love a few months ago for the 3rd time, great cause.