Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Brain <-- My Worst Enemy

Its 9:48pm and I find myself alone for the 2nd night in a row with hours of free time to just think. Think about what? What is going on in my head these days that could possible be so important to focus hours of free contemplation time on? Well my sister is in town so every few minutes a thought of her and my niece run threw my head. Then there is T, my closest friend, who has had recent boy trouble lately but now seems to have settled down a bit with a new one - which is mainly why I am stacking up on the free time. Or.... could I spend my night thinking of myself, my sorrows, and my boy troubles BUT why not shoot for the positive and think about progress at work and my killer good looks? HA! Yes, this is a tough question but I always seem to find myself on the short end thinking only of the negative......why, oh loyal brain must you bring me down!!!

Its night two and the boy hasn't called since Sunday night. Yes, RT....and for no reason known to me. Our last talk ended well with a goodnight before bedtime. O'well, it could be worse, I could be back in the boat I was in a year and half ago. Or I could be in the middle of a strange country with a guy I barely know having the worst time of my life! Oh good lord help me!

This mostly positive, crazy energetic, southern spunk of a girl sometimes hits a low key.....and yes, I'm sad to say(or type), this is it. Don't worry though, I'm sure I'll be back on my game bright and early at 6am!

G'night all.


I don't like to read said...

whenever I'm down it always helps to think about my stunning good looks. we, the hot people of the world, need to always remember: at least I'm not ugly!

Harley said...

Hope you're feeling better today - lonely nights suck hard....

Still there's worse, as you mentioned!! Grab some Ben&Jerry's and watch a shit movie - that's what I do! I find Choc Chip Cookie Dough and Chocolate Fudge Brownie work best...!

Matt said...

Thats the reason I drink- So I dont have to think! No, not really but I definitely can relate. I have chosen to be single for about 6 months now- before that I was engaged and it ended very badly. I have blogged about it a couple times but just end up saving them as drafts. Things have gotten easier, since, I have found new ways to keep myself busy- but even still, I tend to focus on things that are negative.

Unknown said...

I agree with name:y, drinking helps all situations.

I also agree with my boy jp, at least we can all look in the mirror and say, "Damn, I look good."

Allie-gator said...

haha Yes, my mirror is my ultimate best friend!! It only shows me the pluses to being me!! haha

ok just met my quota for boasting this week.