Monday, March 31, 2008


Today is going to be one hard work day for me. Not because of what I do for a living or the work load I have to complete by days end BUT just getting through the day AWAKE! At this very moment as I stare at the computer monitor my eyes water at the thought of staying open for 8 more hours. My uncontrollable yawns keep catching my coworker's attention and his only response is to laugh at me...little does he know my drowsiness will only force him to pick up my slack! HAHA!

No, this is not of my doing, not from a late night of partying nor a late night with a Boy! Oh how I wish.... no, this comatose state was caused by my 19 month old niece who is by far the best baby in the world but this weekend she had a fever. It was one of those fevers that goes away with medicine but come back every time it wears off....which just so happened to be midnight and 4am. I couldn't help but feel so bad for her because she was burning up and crying nonstop but in turn that meant NO SLEEP for me.

Let me just add, this post has taken me WAY TOO LONG to post b/c I keep having to re-read it....thank god I did though b/c some of it didn't make much sense and whomever chose to read it would probably think I was drunk (which I typed "drink" the first time around) or just dumb(which no doubt I am in this condition)!

Good Morning All.


Anonymous said...

Good luck staying awake today...or finding a way to look awake while taking a nap!

Unknown said...

this is why you don't have kids.

Allie-gator said...

tiedtogetherwithasmile - I have bargained a deal with my co-worker to leave at 3pm so I can stop making mistakes and being inefficient.
BTW - it took me way too long to figure out what you name actually said.

Surviving myself - YES this is why I'm about to be 25 and have no BF more or less no kids!

haha I just corrected half of what I typed due to misspellings and missuse of words! haha! I have a serious problem!

ElPato said...

Kids rock! Even sick ones. Not sleeping sucks.

So@24 said...

AHHHH! The baby!

Matt said...

Cant you hide in the supply closet and take a quick nap?

Harley said...

No matter how many hours of sleep I've had, at half seven in the morning I am ALWAYS dumb...