Friday, March 28, 2008


Why are boys so difficult?!?!

text from RT night before last:
"Guess we're not buddies anymore"
"Why? Did I do something?"

about an hour later I get a phone call...
" Hey you haven't called in a few days"
"Well you have a phone too"
"Well I knew I had been calling you a lot lately so I was waiting for you to call me"
" What? Why? that's just gay!! Now I know I told you when we started talking again I was going to give you plenty of space since you said you were trying to stay focused on school, Plus my sister and niece are in town so I've been a little busy."
"Oh yeah, well no biggie I was just joking with you. I never thought we weren't buddies anymore."

***This is as close to WORD TO WORD as its going to get

Ok well he has called me twice since then!!!

Now A Question for all you boys!!! WHY ARE YOU SO DIFFICULT!?!?!?!
What does this mean? Is he just trying to see where I stand? Is he disappointed I haven't been calling him like he has been calling me? Should I call him more? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!?!?!
I'M LOST! :-(


Matt said...

sounds like he was just trying to get a response out of you? Maybe?

I wouldnt read too much into guys never know what the hell were saying.

I don't like to read said...

matt is right, we really don't know what we're doing/saying a lot. and the fact that he called you x2 after that means it was nothing

P said...

I know I'm a girl (I think!!!) and therefore not specifically qualified to answer this question and I can't say for definite whether or not he is interested, but it seems to me to be a guy thing - whether they are interested or not, they ALWAYS want you to be interested in THEM!!! It's what my ex is doing at the moment, it's a control thing I think.

Anonymous said...

I don't know you... or him... or anyone here... I was just randomly blog surfing... but as a guy... I would say that Pippi has the best answer... which is strange... although, I'm not sure if it is a control thing as much as an insecurity thing... "I want you... to want me..."... I'll let you go now as I continue to sing 'Cheap Trick' songs to myself.

Harley said...

Guys. They're crazy. Can't live with 'em and can't shoot 'em.

Well, you could, but that would be illegal..