I mixed all the info up in my head only to conclude she has just gotten married. So as soon as her conversation ended, being the friendly outgoing person I am I decided to ask her. " I'm sorry I couldn't help but overhear you talking.....did you just get married?" She replied with the biggest smile on her face "Yes!" With congrats, I went on to ask details about her special day. BTW her name is Brooke. I'm such a sap and a romantic so I went ahead and asked about how they met and feel in love. She said it was pretty short and simple, her friend called her up and told her she had to meet her boyfriend's best friend... so to end the story, he is now her Hubby. See I told you it was short!!
We talked for a good 10-20 min about her wedding when she started to shift the conversation over about me, Yes, boring single me. She of course asked the infamous question "Oh why...you are so cute and seem like such a doll" HAHA well here's the short version of my "story"(post 1)
She expressed her disbelief as most do and went on to tell me that I seem to have made it out ON TOP! And all I could say was "Thanks, I like to think so....I'm just not a fan of dating yet" She reply, "I don't think anyone really is, I'm glad its over for me."
So out of nowhere she says..."you know what? I would love to pay if forward.... My Hubby has a great, very cute, single guy friend and if you are up for it I would love to set you two up on a blind date." Without thinking I said, "Wow, Ummm... Ssssuuuure???(with a half confused, maybe this could be good but I don't know, look on my face) Why not, I have nothing to lose." I've never tried it before so if it fails miserably at least I'll have a good horror story to post about...haha!
Well around 8pm I received a text saying "Talked to him and he wants to go out". So I replied "Awesome, well I hope you two have a great trip and I will talk to you when you get back, Congrats again!"
So Brooke returns on Friday and I'm not sure where or when this little shin-dig is going down but I'm kind of anxious now. She is a very cute girl so I'm assuming she has good taste in guys plus she seemed to know the guy well so I'm assuming also that I'm his type....wow what expectations am I set up for?! or set up to fail...crap!! I don't even know what a REAL date consist of. I'm a lounge on the couch with ice cream in hand watching a romantic comedy kind of girl. DUDE, I'm so screwed!
Any words of advice...or should I totally just back out? :-/
pic story: My mom decided she wanted last minute photos of everyone so in the middle of my sister's photo shoot she snapped this one of me trying to entertain Maddie in bluebonnets.
Sounds like a safe bet! I'd go for it.
Can't believe I'm posting relationship advice! In fact, you gave me an idea for a post today. Its all about giving advice and how you should do it because if you are wrong people will hate you and you might even hate yourself.
That being said, I'd go for it anyway but you can't hate the people who say "go for it" when this guy turns out to be an axe murder and this chick is her accomplice. Ha Ha!
THE BABY!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, my blind dates did NOT turn out well. However, this one sounds promising! You won't ever know if you don't try it but I'd be cautious because I'm a worrier.
I hope it goes well (If you don't back out).
Yay! Sounds like fun!
I'm the sit on the sofa girl too, but maybe he'll be that guy too:)
You've got nothing to lose!
I am going to need to know the LOW DOWN!!! How do I not know any of this!?!
Hmmm this guy better be cute, and obviously good in bed because you apparently are in dire need of it ;) But I feel ya love!
<3 you!
You can't back out! Us Bloggers need to live through you.
I also ate ice cream this weekend and watched Serendipity.
Ok, I didn't but I wanted to make you feel better
I definitely think you should go for it! definitely, definitely go for it.
Go for it Allie.
Hi there, got here from SO@24! I love how you just befriended that girl...and got a date out of it! About the blind date, really, worse case scenario you don't get along, and at least you don't have any real mutual friends that will make it awkward for you afterwards. So I say: Go for it!
Elpato - The thought of being murdered never entered my mind until now...thanks for the GREAT advice!
So - yes my MooMoo!
Jamie - I'm keeping high hopes so I don't back out.
Just Jamie - I could only HOPE!
Tay - we'll chat later ;-)
rs27 - I surprisingly feel better! Thanks!
Deutlich - I definitely think I might, definitely!
Matt - Ok, Matt! HA!
Dahlia - So Glad you visited... I love making new friend, as you saw in my post!
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