Wednesday, April 16, 2008


What is wrong with me?!?! I keep zoning out and getting completely sidetracked from work! I don't even hear the phone ring til the 3rd or 4th ring and by then Jesse, my Co-worker has already answered it. I need a vacation... But something tells me this weekend might cure a few of these actions, WAIT, or make them worse! Crap! Something tells me I'm in for a long month or late night phone calls, random romantic text, and goofy at work but not working emails.

I'm trying so hard to take this one day at a time but the feeling of someone being so into me is overwhelming, flattering, and so missed. Not only that but he seems too good to be true...yes girls, one of those guys! He is so romantic! So humble! And So HOTT!! Whats the catch...what am I missing? Does he have a bad temper? A gambling problem? A cheater? All questions I managed to ask in a joking manner and still got answered....No, No, and No.

What do you do when you are face to face with a guy who doesn't play the typical "I like you but I'm not going to show it" games. Its throwing me off kilter...bad! He's even admitted to me that he almost got engaged once and she broke it off right before he bought the ring. This was years ago but he confessed it was probably the most devastating moment in his life. He was so vulnerable and so open. I have to say it was very refreshing.

This weekend's plans are already set. He's working extra hard to get all his work done in NY so he can head out early either Thur. night or Fri. morning. He wants to have dinner again, just the two of us, somewhere quiet and small. I'm curious to find out where but he said its a secret- he wants to keep me on my toes. Then Saturday is booked up with a Pool Party at his friend's house and a night out on the town with T!

I feel like my blog is about to take a sharp right hand turn into Sappy Fairytale Novel land.

WATCH OUT! I'm falling....hard and fast.


Rahul said...

So basically you're in for a long month of what I call "work"?


Matt said...

ahhh...the first stages of love...

treasure it...usually doesnt get much better!!

Im not cynical, really- am I not right?

B said...

awww ! i am so stoked for you!

Anonymous said...

he probably leaves the cap off of the toothpaste.

villageidiot said...

Enjoy, chica....

Allie-gator said...

rs27 - get me a job where you work!!!

Matt - I don't agree exactly. I think if the person you are dating becomes your best friend and you decide to get married, then life in a whole will become better. Why else do we search out this person?

deutlich - THANKS!

Surviving - I knew it! See there's always a catch!

blackdog - I totally plan on it! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hey AL!

Yeah Im so excited to hear about your bubbles and jitters! Keep me informed! Sorry I havent blogged recently super buzzzzE! ;)



So@24 said...

Does he love cheeks?

ElPato said...

Funny, you seem so happy. I'm scared to death right now.

uh, you are hilarious. you wrote that you only knew a few words in spanish, one of which is "holla?" for hi...

that's "hola"

"holla" means "holler back yo!" if I'm not mistaken. I seriously laughed out loud, thanks I needed that...